Canine Reproduction
We offer reproductive services to breeders. We are also a licensed International Canine Semen Bank® for Eastern Ontario and Quebec.
Our breeder services include:
Pregnancy ultrasound
Progesterone testing and breeding timing
Semen collection and analysis
Semen freezing, storage and transportation
Artificial and transcervical insemination
Whelping assistance
For referring veterinarians, access our referral form here
Breeder Teaser Incentive Program
Our clinic is now offering a program for stud dogs undergoing reproductive services. If you are a local breeder with estrous bitches and interested in participating, we are offering the following benefits:
Free brucellosis testing
Account credit as compensation
For more information, to participate, or to join our Teaser Waitlist for an upcoming appointment for your stud dog, please contact our reproduction department.